Woodlawn Flats Website
Data protection notice

How information about you will be used

Woodlawn flats website supports the various interests, groups and organisations in the Woodlawn community. The site hosts public content and services for the benefit of residents and owners. It also hosts private pages on behalf of two separate organisations. Woodlawn Court Management Limited is the management company set up in the lease and involving all flat owners. Woodlawn Freehold Limited is bound by the lease along with all the flatowners but it owns all the property not privately owned by individual flat owners. The lease stipulates how much of this freeholder property is available to all flatowners as communal space.

This is the site's data protection notice

Note that each of the two companies have their own separate data protection policies.

Other than outlined below, this website will not share your information with third parties - nor will it sell your information to any person or organisation.


If you provide information about your leaseholding, it will be shared with your management company, Woodlawn Court Management Limited (who will already have a record of it). It will also be available to the management company's contracted agent. Information will only be shared with the freeholder according to the requirements of the lease.

Freehold members

If you provide information about your freeholding, it will be shared with your freehold company, Woodlawn Freehold Limited (who will already have a record of it). It will also be available to the freeholder's contracted agent. Information will only be shared with the management company according to the requirements of the lease.


You may register to access resources such as the discussion forum. For administrative purposes, your flat number may be required as part of confirming residence. Information relating to individual flats may be shared with any and all parties to the lease of that flat. It will not be shared with the leaseholders or the residents of the other flats. Note that some leaseholders own more than one flat and may therefore have access to the information of more than one flat's residents. Information will only be shared with the management company and the freehold company according to the requirements of the lease.

Woodlawn Flats Website has no resources of its own. It is run by volunteers and generates no income. Communication with the administrator will be by email.

Website cookies

Technical cookies allow the proper operation of the website. Technical cookies can be of two types:

  • Persistent: Persistent cookies are not destroyed once you close your browser, but remain for a preset period before expiration.
  • Session: Session cookies are destroyed every time the browser is closed.

Cookies we set are always sent from the website's own domain (www.woodlawnflats.co.uk). No third parties are involved. Technical cookies are required to view the login-only pages of the website and provide security features where information is provided to you. The cookies are used only to enable proper operation of the site, but we must always seek your consent and periodically renew that consent. The cookie warning banner acts to remind you that we operate this process.

If you choose to block cookies, you will still be able to access the public pages. But you will not be able to login and hence you will not have access to the login-only pages.





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Our use of cookies

We use strictly necessary cookies only. These exist to make our site work. We don't set cookies for analysing traffic.

By default, we don't set any cookie that is saved beyond your browser session (session cookie). Closing the browser will clear any default cookie.

Clicking the 'okay' button on the cookie bar below will set an acceptance cookie on your device so that it knows not to ask you about cookies again for the rest of the session.

If you have cookies disabled in your browser, then no cookies will be set. But then you will not be able to login to the site and some pages will not be available to you.

For more detailed information about the cookies we use, see our website data protection statement (opens in new tab).